Our ability to communicate can make or break our success, improve your chances with this course.
Communication is an essential part of life, but all too often we can find ourselves at the centre of misunderstandings. Sometimes what we say is not exactly what we mean, and that doesn’t become clear until something highlights the disparity. At work, this often means we get a project or service delivered in a way we did not expect – late, different or simply not what we wanted.
Communication is an essential part of our daily lives. Even if we don’t open our mouths, our demeanor and body language is conveying a message to those around us – and sometimes it’s not the message we want to project!
This online Communication Skills course will help you become a more effective and positive communicator. You’ll be able to identify the common problems holding you back, learn about nonverbal messages, build on your listening skills and develop your ability to handle difficult situations with tact.
An online course, this eLearning is interactive and engaging. You’ll work through a series of tasks with the aim to earn as many badges as you can. The course is optimised for all desktop and mobile devices, so you can learn on the go if you want! You’ll have access for one month, and during that time can enjoy your course 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
These breakdowns in communication are a source of conflict, and are always an unnecessary expense for business – even if it just requires your time to fix.
This short, interactive online course will give you the skills, tips and techniques you need to improve how you give and receive communications.
What will I learn?
This Communication Skills course covers all elements of communication, from verbal to nonverbal, listening skills, empathy and challenging discussions and how to be assertive without being aggressive.
This course covers:
This training course is delivered online using our market-leading eLearning and includes interactive elements. It concludes with a short exam.
Learning outcomes
Communication is so essential to our success, but many of us are unwittingly giving the world a message that we’d rather not. By completing this short course, you can gain insight into what you could improve on, and build a plan that’s tailored to you.
On completion of this Communication Skills training course you will:
There are no prerequisites for taking this training course.
Who should attend?
This course is aimed at everyone. While there are some fantastic communicators out there, many of us could use a few tips and techniques to improve – whether that’s listening, assertiveness or how to say what you actually mean.
Select modes of training

Communication Skills Training Course


£25 Ex. Vat

£30 Inc. Vat

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